i've been dying to say this: i love this dress!! it looked even better on Sandra Bullock..one of my favourite actresses.. its so simple yet elegant, smart and confident. Especially if worn by one of the most intelligent, smart and sophisticated women =) i love her la!
its exactly 2 weeks into 2009. it has been so good so far. except for the one unexpected payment i have to make tomorrow. otherwise.. was a good start.
i havent really got BIG/ glamorous/ fabulous plans for this year apart from my resolutions, which are more like things i want to do everyday. somehow i feel that i shouldnt be making any big plans.. but to give space and time for other things and areas that need to be developed more fully.. and to take things as they come.
yet something tells me also to dare to dream and dare to wish. blame it on this phrase: "Be careful what you wish for, coz u just might get it all"..yea by Daughtry. just the way it spoke to many others, it has to me too. many times before, and now, again. it gives me a funny kind of excitement that urges me to not be confined to any stupid box, but dare to dream, hope and ask for things that you have never dared to. what do you think? should i try? i wonder what God's up to? where is he taking me next year? in 5 years? this leaves me weirdly excited and a bit more enthusiastic than i was 10mins ago =P
lets keep this year fun and optimistic and trusting God all the way ya~
*Sing to the Lord... Oh my soul!!* heheheh