Monday, January 17, 2005

the question still is.. who am i??

today stated rather calm, altough together with all the asumptions that a BIG maths test was gonna take place at an freakin early 8.30am (a time when my mind is never where it should be)...and worriying that i wont be able to memorise all the formulas which i only sort of 'discovered' only 4days ago.. when i was announced that the test will be postponed to the following week..BOY! that was a HUGE relief~~~ phewWwWwW... that makes today...a VErY GoooOoooOD day..

However, when i finally 'wokeup' at around 11.00am onwards, it suddenly struck me thathat things has never been so peaceful in a very long time..days had never been so simple and easy to go about with in a long time..*i once thought..those days are gone mann* well, God just proved me very WRONG..

yeah yeah...the bible says God is the same..yesterday, today, and will forever be. "His mercy endures forever"..actually many many things in the bible was just .. well.. what God said.Yeahhhh n maybe sometimes it coincidates with the situation i was in..
But how many things could happen by chance??? You mean there can be so many cooincidences? So many good 'luck' times?

The only solution that really made sense, was that God was there. In every storm, every flood, every hurricane, every lanslide, in every boat, every car, every house, in the midst of everyone, & standing next to me.You see, it took me a petty long time to admit that.Maybe because i had not been really tested before. And when i was, God showed up, and turned my world around.

Just now, during QT, was worshipping to a song from Blessed :

[b]I will bless the Lord forever,i will trust Him at all times,
He has delivered me from all fear, He has set my feet upon a rock

I will NOT be moved, & i'll say of the Lord

You are my shield, my strength, my potion, deliverer;
My shelter, strong tower, my very present help in time of need.

Whom have i in heaven but You?
There is none i desire besides You..
And you have made me glad, & i'll say of the Lord

You are my shield, my strength, my potion, deliverer;
My shelter, strong tower, my very present help in time of need. [/b]

Father, You walked with me through the dakest storms, deepest seas, and the worst situations ,even with the most impossible people..All because You loved us.

I love You too!!

Saturday, January 15, 2005

wow... havent seen a week pass SOOO fast before.. i regretted sucking in my maths test, which made me end up getting lecturer by our ULtinaMte maths lecturer.. malu lerrr.. how could i make such terribly careless mistakes??? God..U gotta help me, keep my alert, and add to my concentration during tests.. AS is in April, n that aint a very long time to go..We starter off the week with our Tsunami victisms' relief fund raising campaign, the second one we've organised since setting foot in Stamford PJ 6 months ago... Although it was freakin tiring, it was also very fullfilling.. Torn knuckles from washing cars?? Headaches from making pancakes?? haha its only the raising rm500 in 2days from food sales alone.. hmm pretty impressive.. thanks to the somewhat caring & daring(they trusted our sanitation) college staff and students.. now.. gonna do Trigo la.. Exam on monday.. i dont wanna have another lecturer from my maths lecturer..

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

The Aftermath

It has been 10 days since the start or the new year 2005. There is a strong atmosphere of busyness, rush, scurrying, and seeing people all around me trying to keep up with time. The aftermath of the earthQuake in Aceh and the Tsunami that it triggered had brought 150,000 lives to an end and has ended 2004 itself on an alarming note. Lives are THAT fragile!! Fishermen that went out to sea did not return. Tourists that were sunbathing on the beach,ended up running for their lives..Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters

Lives are that fragile!! The starting of the new year began to see people of the world coming together as one, showing the kind love & support i have never seen or heard of before. People like, Michael "Shoemarker"..doing his bit with Euro 10 million, Japan's PM freezing all debts that d affected countries have with it, little
children..some even digging out their whole savings,celebrities sharing their earnings, and EVEN the disables giving their best. Altough

Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005..will be a green pasture.

Happy New Year!! to myself...muahaha i really wonder y isint anyone online now??!! Where have all the people gone? hehe i know its like what? 3am? BT still nevermind.. Just taken a break off Geometrical Progression. When nothing seems to make ANY sense at all anymore... just had to come out to chill.

I wonder what the year-end partiers are doing.. i wonder what the big concert organizers are doing.I wonde what other people aound d world are doing.. n i wonder what am I doing???

Its a weird time to blog la...4 one.N i sure aint gonna start about resolutions.Well..cont in da bighter part of the am la.. now.. a cuppa creamy nescafe and back to the books.. tryin to start 2005 on a more "rajin" (~ yeah rite!). kinda note..

God, have your way in me. Give me a passion for the lost and hungry for your spirit. This year will be different.