Sunday, August 26, 2007

we dont need wings to be Angels

aikkss im scratching like an icthy monkey...~~
right in the middle of watching the Da Vincci Code on telly, the power went of, leaving 4 enthusiastic eyes that were stuck on the TV now into total darkness... altogther we went " Aiyoooooo, apala??!!" hahaha with one voice, sounded pretty cool

then one by one, each left to their own stuff, leaving me, still, staring into space.. then i thought.. ohhh this wud be a good time to retreat to my 'secret place'..haha not so secret anyway

spent the nex hour reading blog, being encouraged and built up inspiring things written by inspring people who were inspired by an inspiring God...
i came across this picture the other day, when i was searching for a picture to explain to dawson how to make the blog header. Its called "Illuminate" and this was written below the pic

"We are here in this world to remember who we are, a path few dare to follow to its logical conclusion. This photograph, which was taken in the basement of an ancient castle near Rome, Italy, serves to remind us of our One purpose. When we transcend our limitations, let go of our past, face our fears, and live a life of unselfish love, the One Light has no choice but to fill our entire beings."
God I pray that I will be, that we will be a people that not just talk about this Light, but to talk, act and live with the Light in our lives. That wherever we go, we will be light walking torches, carriying Your light, puncturing every darkness that ever exists here on earth and in the dark places in the hearts on mankind. We want to be good hands and feet for You. =)

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